Contract for Thematic Network - Applied Semantics II
Contract No: IST-2001-38957.
APPSEM is a working group in the 5th Framework Program of the European Union which officially started on 1 January 2003 : Table de multiplication jeux.
A. Program structuring: object-oriented programming modules
B. Proof assistants, functional programming and dependent types
C. Program analysis, generation and configuration
D. Specification and verification methods
E. Types and type inference in programming
F. Games, sequentiality and abstact machines
G. Semantic methods for distributed computing
H. Resource models and web data
I. Continuous phenomena in Computer Science
J. Apprendre les tables de multiplication
C, H
Ulrich Kohlenbach
B, C, H
Peter Mosses
Mogens Nielsen
D, G
Michael Schwartzbach
A, E
Aalborg, DK Bent Thomson (site leader)
Lone Leth Thomson
3. Birmingham, UK Achim Jung (site leader)
Martín Escardó
Marta Kwiatkowska
D, I
Uday Reddy
A, E, F
Eike Ritter
A, F
Mark Ryan
Hayo Thielecke
Sussex, UK Bernhard Reus (site leader)
A, D
Guy McCusker
Matthew Hennessey
Jim Laird
Julian Rathke
A, G, H
Vladimiro Sassone
E, G
4. Cambridge, UK Gavin Bierman (site leader)
A, B, E, H
Marcelo Fiore
Martin Hyland
Robin Milner
B, G
Alan Mycroft
E, H
Andrew Pitts
A, B, E
Peter Sewell
D, E, G, H
Glynn Winskel
5. Chalmers, S Peter Dybier (site leader)
C, D, E, I
Marcin Benke
Koen Claessen
Catarina Coquand
Thierry Coquand
D, I
Jörgen Gustavsson
Rogardt Heldal
John Hughes
C, D, E
Patrik Jansson
Bengt Nordstroem
Dave Sands
Jan Smith
E, I
6. Copenhagen, DK Neil Jones (site leader)
B, C, E, H
Andrzeij Filinski
C, E
Klaus Grue
Fritz Henglein
C, E
Julia Lawall
A, C
Torben Mogensen
C, E
IT University, DK Lars Birkedal
E, H
Technical Uni, DK Flemming Nielson
C, E
Hanne Nielson
C, E
7. Darmstadt, D Thomas Streicher (site leader)
A, F, I
Klaus Keimel
Peter Lietz
Tobias Loew
8. Edinburgh, UK Ian Stark (site leader)
A, G, H
David Aspinall
B, G, H
Stephen Gilmore
John Longley
F, I
Gordon Plotkin
John Power
Don Sannella
D, H
Alex Simpson
Mark Steedman
Daniele Turi
9. Freiburg, D Peter Thiemann (site leader)
David Basin
B, D
10. Genoa, I Giuseppe Rosolini (site leader)
Francesca Levi
Eugenio Moggi
Elena Zucca
A, C, E
11. INRIA, F Didier Rémy (site leader)
A, E, H
Gilles Barthe
Yves Bertot
Joelle Despeyroux
Pascal Fradet
A, C, E
Marieke Huisman
A, D
Thomas Jensen
A, C, E
Xavier Leroy
A, B, E, H
Michel Mauny
E, H
Francois Pottier
A, E
Pierre Weis
12. Lausanne, CH Martin Odersky (site leader)
13. Loria, F Jean-Yves Marion (site leader)
Olivier Bournez
D, I
Didier Galmiche
A, D, G, H
Isabelle Gnaedig
D, H
Philippe de Groote
Claude Kirchner
B, D
Hélène Kirchner
B, D
Fanois Lamarche
F, I
Luigi Liquori
A, B
Pierre-Etienne Moreau
C, D
Chrisophe Ringeissen
C, D
14. Minho, P Joao Saraiva (site leader)
B, C
José Bernardo Barros
B, C
Luís Soares Barbosa
B, D
Maria Joao Frade
José Nuno Oliveira
B, C
Jorge Sousa Pinto
B, F
Luís Pinto
E, F
Lisbon, P Luis Caires
Munich, D Martin Hofmann (site leader)
A, H
Andreas Abel
Jan Johannsen
Ralph Matthes
Helmut Schwichtenberg
B, H
Martin Wirsing
Nottingham, UK Graham Hutton (site leader)
B, D
Thorsten Altenkirch
A, B, D, E
Roland Backhouse
A, B, C, D
Louise Dennis
B, D
Bonn, D Ralf Hinze
B, E
Leicester, UK Simon Ambler
B, D
Roy Crole
B, D
Neil Ghani
B, G
Utrecht Johan Jeuring
B, C, E
Oxford, UK Samson Abramsky (site leader)
F, H
Alexandru Baltag
Richard Bird
Jeremy Gibbons
Oege de Moor
Andrzej Murawski
Luke Ong
F, H
Paris, F Pierre-Louis Curien (site leader)
Patrick Baillot
Roberto DiCosmo
Vincent Danos
Delia Kesner
Olivier Laurent
Paul-André Melliés
Pisa, I Giorgio Ghelli (site leader)
Giuseppe Attardi
C, H
Pierpaolo Degano
C, G
Giorgio Levi
C, E
Ugo Montanari
D, G
QMUL, UK Peter O’Hearn (site leader)
A, C, D, H
Gianluigi Bellin
B, F
Kohei Honda
E, G
Pasquale Malacaria
E, F, G
Edmund Robinson
D, E, H
Imperial College Abbas Edalat
Philippa Gardner
Bath, UK David Pym
D, E, H
Carsten Fuehrmann
D, E, H
Microsoft A. Gordon
Ericsson T. Arts
Carlstedt L. Augustsson
Prolog Development T. Lindner
Annual general workshop in month 3
26th - 28th March 2003 in Nottingham, United Kingdom
Annual general workshop in month 15
Annual general workshop in month 30
Title page
Contract for:
Concerted Action/Thematic Network
Annex 1 - “Description of Work”
Project acronym: APPSEM-II
Project full title: IST Working Group: Applied Semantics
Proposal/Contract no.: IST-2001-38957
Related to other Contract no.:
Date of preparation of Annex 1: April 28, 2003
Operative commencement date of contract:
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
1 Project Summary 3
2 Project objectives 4
2.1 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Participant list 6
4 Contribution to programme/key action objectives 6
5 Membership 6
6 Community added value and contribution to EU policies 7
7 Contribution to Community social objectives 7
8 Economic development and scientific and technological prospects 7
9 Work plan 8
9.2 Work package descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
9.4 Project planning and timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9.5 Graphical presentation of project components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
9.6 Project management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
9.7 Description of themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
10 Clustering 24
11 Other contractual conditions 24
A Consortium description 27
A.1 The coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
A.2 The partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
1 Project Summary
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
The overall objective of this working group is to maintain and further develop an existing European
network for research and technology transfer in the field of application-oriented semantics of programming
For a long time European research on programming languages and their semantics was divided into
theoretical work initially spawned from practical questions but in the meantime independent of applications
and practical work carried out on an ad-hoc basis and uninformed by recent theoretical results. It was
the mission of the precursor to this working group—APPSEM-I—to change this situation by bringing
theoreticians into close contact with practitioners and users.
This mission has been fulfilled beyond expectations: we have seen several important scientific breakthroughs that would not have been obtained without the interaction fostered by APPSEM (application of
CPS to program analysis, application of linear types to memory management, use of dependent types in
programming, to name a few) and also the emergence of a large, yet close, community encompassing both
practical and foundational research on programming language semantics.
It is now time to further capitalise on these results. We want to consolidate and extend the existing but
still fragile community of European research into application-oriented programming language semantics
and increase visibility and exploration of the scientific results and the community as a whole.
This will be achieved by sponsoring inter-thematic and theme-specific workshops and funding short
courses and summer schools. Moreover, we plan to install and maintain a Semantics Portal which will serve
as entry point for anyone interested in programming language semantics. Apart from project acitivities and
reports it will contain links to other researchers, event schedules, bibliography, tutorials, etc.
2 Project objectives
Programming languages are the basic material from which every software product is built. They therefore
have a huge economic impact: better programming languages and a better understanding of the existing
ones will lead to higher productivity, reduced maintenance, and increased software reuse. Europe is a
hotbed of programming language research with many internationally respected experts both in semantic
theory of programming languages and in implementation.
Semantics of programming languages refers to a formal mathematical description of the effect of a
program or a program fragment written in some programming language.
Obvious applications for semantics of programming languages include the justification of compilation
steps, in particular optimising ones, and the definition and justification of verification systems and program
In order for such applications to be feasible the semantics must achieve a good degree of abstraction
and lead to new insights. For instance, a “semantics” defined by a reference compiler does not lend itself
towards formally verified optimisations or indeed any kind of verification that goes beyond testing.
While simple imperative programming and most features of functional programming languages are
semantically well-understood, the subtler parts of imperative programming such as concurrency, pointer
aliasing and encapsulation, as well as many features of object-oriented programming remain elusive despite
considerable progress in the last decade. Moreover, new programming language constructs appear on the
scene such as mobility, interoperability and scripting, aspect-orientation, document description, etc. for
which application-oriented semantic accounts are urgently required.
2.1 Specific Objectives
The proposal is structured into nine interdisciplinary themes, which were identified as particularly promising for profitable interaction between semantic theory and practice. These themes relate to the following
general areas:
• description of existing programming language features
• design of new programming language features
• implementation and analysis of programming languages
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
• transformation and generation of programs
• specification and verification of programs
The themes are
A. Program structuring: object-oriented programming, modules.
B. Proof assistants, functional programming, and dependent types.
C. Program analysis, generation, and configuration.
D. Specification and verification methods.
E. Types and type inference in programming.
F. Games, sequentiality, and abstract machines.
G. Semantic methods for distributed computing.
H. Resource models and web data.
I. Continuous phenomena in Computer Science.
A more detailed description of the themes and the scientific work to be carried out within them may be
found below in Section 9.7.
The Working Group will promote collaboration by funding travel between sites and by organising and
funding workshops. We will conclude the project with a summer school.
There are several industrial groups involved in the project. Apart from contributing to the research in
some cases (e.g. Microsoft Research at Cambridge), their role will be to follow research developments, to
give feedback on the usefulness of the solutions provided by the academic researchers, and to suggest new
directions as well as concrete questions arising in practice.
The Working Group is intended to be a forum for interaction between programming language practitioners and theoreticians in semantics is general. Good communication is ensured by the existence of
a common scientific basis in the well-established theory of programming language semantics and by the
desire to exploit this theory in practice.
Each theme has one or two theme coordinators who will be responsible for ensuring and reporting
progress within the specific themes. They summarise the activity within their theme in the progress and
final reports.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
3 Participant list
Participant name Country Date enter
Date exit
CO 1 LMU Muenchen D Start of project End of project
MB 2 Aarhus DK Start of project End of project
MB 3 Birmingham UK Start of project End of project
MB 4 Cambridge UK Start of project End of project
MB 5 Chalmers S Start of project End of project
MB 6 Copenhagen DK Start of project End of project
MB 7 Darmstadt D Start of project End of project
MB 8 Edinburgh UK Start of project End of project
MB 9 Freiburg D Start of project End of project
MB 10 Genova I Start of project End of project
MB 11 INRIA F Start of project End of project
MB 12 EPFL Lausanne CH Start of project End of project
MB 13 INRIA Loria F Start of project End of project
MB 14 Minho P Start of project End of project
MB 15 Nottingham UK Start of project End of project
MB 16 Oxford UK Start of project End of project
MB 17 Paris 7 F Start of project End of project
MB 18 Pisa I Start of project End of project
MB 19 QMUL London UK Start of project End of project
MB 20 Tallinn EE April 2003 End of project
4 Contribution to programme/key action objectives
By improving programming languages and providing infrastructure for successful software development
the results of the proposed work will contribute to all aspects of a user-friendly information society.
Understanding semantics of new programming language features is essential for large scale distributed
software development and for the development of supporting tools.
More specifically, the proposal addresses key action IV: Essential Technologies and Infrastructure and
in particular action line IV.3: Technologies and engineering for software, systems, and services.
5 Membership
Membership of the working group is initially confined to the proposing sites as detailed in Appendix A. In
exceptional cases the steering committee can decide on inclusion of new sites or subsites, provided this can
be accommodated within the budget of the working group. In particular, we will make efforts during year
1 to include individual researchers or teams from newly associated states.
Cooperation of the partners is ensured by workshops and individual visits between sites as detailed in
B6. The work programme is grouped into nine themes across sites. Theme coordinators as explained in
Section 9.6 are responsible for cooperation on the respective theme.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
6 Community added value and contribution to EU policies
Europe is a hotbed of programming language research with many internationally respected experts both in
semantic theory of programming languages and in implementation. One should not forget that all-pervasive
paradigms such as object-orientation originated in Europe.
The project exploits and strengthens the strong European theoretical expertise both in semantics of
programming languages and in logic applied to computing. In particular, it will continue to exploit the
advances made by the first APPSEM working group as well as the earlier ESPRIT Basic Research Action
CLiCS (Categorical Logic in Computer Science). As before, there are close interactions with the EU
Working Group TYPES.
Virtually all of the results obtained in applied semantics within Europe have a clear international dimension. They typically involve partners and expertise from different countries. The aims of the working
group can thus not be achieved at a national level or through bilateral agreements.
7 Contribution to Community social objectives
Programming languages are the basic material from which every software product is built. They therefore
have a huge economic impact: better programming languages and a better understanding of the existing
ones will lead to higher productivity, reduced maintenance, and increased software reuse.
8 Economic development and scientific and technological prospects
The scientific results achieved during the funded period will be disseminated in the form of the deliverables described in Part B, in particular we maintain a visible web page describing all activities and listing
publications and software products. The summer school at the end of the funded period will promote dissemination to junior researchers. All this will maintain and further extend the European strength in applied
semantics and programming language theory.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
9 Work plan
The work plan is structured into six work packages describing the activities of the working group, a list
of deliverables allowing for monitoring and reviewing of progress and success and descriptions of the
scientific work to be undertaken under each of the nine themes.
9.1. Work package list
Work package title Lead
Phase Deliverable
WP1 Annual general workshops
18 N/A 3 18 N/A D1,D2,D3,
WP2 Theme-specific workshops
2 N/A 1 36 N/A D7, D8
WP3 Education 11 N/A 11 36 N/A D9,D10,
WP4 Individual visits 3 N/A 1 36 N/A D13,D10,
WP5 Management and dissemination
1 N/A 1 36 N/A D14 +
WP6 Industrial liaison 5 N/A 1 36 N/A D15,D16,
9.2 Work package descriptions
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP1 Start date or starting event: Kickoff workshop in month 3
• Presentation of and learning about results obtained in the working group.
• Giving opportunity for communication between researchers working in different fields and especially
between theorists and practitioners.
• Catalysing collaboration.
Description of work
This work package comprises three annual general workshops.
The first of these workshops will serve as kickoff meeting and will thus be held within the first three
The second one will be held in months 12-15.
The third one will be held in conjunction with a summer school.
Each workshop will be open to all participants including representatives from industrial partners and selected outside observers. Other researchers may attend the workshops and give talks if sufficient space is
Each workshop will last for three days and consist of 2-3 invited talks and 20-30 contributed talks within the
various themes. In addition there will be a panel discussion with industrial representatives, a brainstorming
session, a business meeting (open to members), and a meeting of the steering committee.
Workshop proceedings will be made available at the workshop and on our WWW site.
• Annual workshops (D1,D2,D3)
• Annual workshop proceedings (D4,D5,D6)
Milestones and expected results
Workshops in months 3 and 15 and 30.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP2 Start date or starting event: Month 1
• Bringing together researchers working on a particular topic
• Promoting new research fields within the APPSEM-II themes
Description of work
Throughout the course of the project we will hold theme-specific workshops bringing together researchers
working on a particular topic within one or across several of the themes. We are planning to hold a
minimum of nine workshops on the following preliminary list of topics. A larger number of workshops
around 12-13 may be expected.
• Semantic foundations of aspect-oriented programming (A, E)
• Type systems for memory management (Themes C, H)
• Exact real number computation, domain theory, and formal topology (Theme I)
• Typing and program optimisation (Themes B, C, E, H)
• Security issues (Themes C, G)
• Nominal calculi and higher-order syntax (Theme B, E)
• Dependent types in programming (Theme B)
• Spatial logic (Theme H)
Further workshop topics may arise during the course of the project. These workshops will be spread evenly
over the lifetime of the working group. The results presented at each workshop will be published on our
web page or appear as formal proceedings in an appropriate scientific forum.
• Theme specific workshops (D7)
• Workshop proceedings (D8)
Milestones and expected results
A minimum of nine workshops throughout the project and two workshops per year will be held.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP3 Start date or starting event: Month 1
• Disseminating results obtained in the working group
• Training of young researchers
Description of work
We plan to hold a summer school open to postgraduate students and junior researchers at the end of the
funding period to disseminate the results obtained in the working group. In addition to this we envisage
short courses to be held by visiting researchers at their host site on their individual research topics.
• Organisation of summer school (D9)
• Organisation of short courses (D10)
• Lecture notes (D11)
• Course notes (D12)
Milestones and expected results
• Summer school during months 30–36.
• Short courses after month 15.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP4 Start date or starting event: Month 1
• Enabling collaboration between individual researchers on a particular topic.
• Creating possibility for short courses.
Description of work
We will also partially fund individual short-term visits between sites to provide opportunities for collaborative research and training of junior researchers and to enable cooperation between senior members. The
results of any such visit will be summarised in the annual progress reports.
Such visits can be funded only if the visiting researcher hold a short course at the hosting institution, see
• Publications and technical reports. (D13)
• Short courses. (D10)
Milestones and expected results
We expect a minimum of two such visit per year and a minimum of one research paper or technical report
directly based on the results of such a visit.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP5 Start date or starting event: Month 1
• Project management
• Dissemination and evaluation
Description of work
The management structure is as detailed in Section 9.6. It comprises in particular regular meetings of the
steering committee and business meetings open to all participants. Orthogonal to that theme coordinators
are responsible for ensuring progress on their particular theme. They liaise with and respond to the steering
committee. Dissemination of results is ensured via a project web page containing (links to) all other
deliverables and results as well as other project-related documentation and serving as a “semantics portal”
for the wider community.
Other means of dissemination are listed in WP3 (summer school and short courses) and WP6 (industrial
• WWW-site (D14)
Milestones and expected results
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Work package description
Work package number: WP6 Start date or starting event: Month 1
• Identify industrial challenges related to semantics
• Obtain an industrial perspective on APPSEM’s research
• Disseminate information on applications of semantics in industrial practice
Description of work The industrial participants in APPSEM make up the Industrial Advisory Panel. At
each annual general workshop, the panel will lead a discussion on Industrial Challenges to Semantics,
which in our experience is an effective way to meet the first two objectives above. A summary of the
discussions will be published on the APPSEM web site for later reference. To meet the third objective,
industrial participants will be invited to speak on their work at the annual workshops.
• Reports on industrial challenges to semantics (D15, D16, D17)
• Presentations of invited industrial talks (MS PowerPoint or similar) to be published on our WWW
site. (D18,D19, D20)
Milestones and expected results
Invited talks, panel discussion and reports in months 3 and 15 and 30.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
9.3. Deliverables list
Deliverable No Deliverable title Delivery
Nature Dissemination level
D1 Annual general workshop 6 O PU
D2 Annual general workshop 18 O PU
D3 Annual general workshop 30 O PU
D4 Proceedings of annual general
6 R PU
D5 Proceedings of annual general
18 R PU
D6 Proceedings of annual general
33 R PU
D7 Theme-specific workshops 36 O PU
D8 Proceedings of theme-specific
36 R PU
D9 Summer school in year 3 36 O PU
D10 Short courses 36 O PU
D11 Lecture notes for summer
36 O PU
D12 Course notes for short courses. 36 O PU
D13 Scientific publications 12 R PU
D14 WWW-site 3 O PU
D15 Report on industrial challenges 4 R PU
D16 Report on industrial challenges 16 R PU
D17 Report on industrial challenges 31 R PU
D18 Presentations of industrial talks
at workshop
4 O PU
D19 Presentations of industrial talks
at workshop
16 O PU
D20 Presentations of industrial talks
at workshop
31 O PU
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Description of deliverables
D1. Annual general workshop in month 3
D2. Annual general workshop in month 15.
D3. Annual general workshop in month 30.
D4. Proceedings of annual general workshop in month 3 to be publicised on the project WWW-site or as
a special issue of an appropriate scientific journal.
D5. Proceedings of annual general workshop in month 15.
D6. Proceedings of annual general workshop in month 33.
D7. Theme specific workshops. A minimum of nine theme-specific workshops will held with a minimum
of two per year as detailed in work package
D8. Theme specific workshop proceedings. For each theme-specific workshop proceedings will be made
available prior to the workshop on our WWW-site and where appropriate polished proceedings will
appear in scientific fora.
D9. Summer school in year three.
D10. Short courses held by visiting researchers.
D11. Lecture notes for summer school.
D12. Course notes for short courses.
D13. Scientific publications, technical reports. Scientific results obtained within the working group will
be reported in technical reports or published papers and listed on our webpage.
D14. Project WWW-site. Throughout the project we will maintain a WWW site containing (links to) all
other deliverables as well as other project-related information such as links to partners, proposal text,
timetable, planned activities. This WWW site will also serve as a “semantics portal” giving access to
relevant online resources such as homepages of researchers, events calendar, bibliography, tutorials
and surveys, etc. We employ a part-time worker whose main job is to maintain and develop the
WWW site.
D15. Report on industrial challenges in semantics. A summary of the industrial panel discussion at the
first annual general workshop.
D16. Report on industrial challenges in semantics. A summary of the industrial panel discussion at the
second annual general workshop.
D17. Report on industrial challenges in semantics. A summary of the industrial panel discussion at the
third annual general workshop.
D18. Presentations of invited industrial talks at first annual general workshop (MS PowerPoint or similar)
to be published on our WWW site.
D19. Presentations of invited industrial talks at second annual general workshop.
D20. Presentations of invited industrial talks at third annual general workshop.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
9.4 Project planning and timetable
Table 1
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
9.5 Graphical presentation of project components
Not applicable as components are largely independent.
9.6 Project management
Steering committee. The management structure we propose is a steering committee chaired be the coordinator and comprising one nominated senior scientist (site leader) from each site and one industrial
The site leader will also be the scientific official in charge of the work and thus be responsible for
administrative matters at the site including contacts with subsites.
participant no. Site Site leader
2 Aarhus O. Danvy
3 Birmingham A. Jung
4 Cambridge G. Bierman
5 Chalmers P. Dybjer
6 Copenhagen N. Jones
7 Darmstadt T. Streicher
8 Edinburgh I. Stark
9 Freiburg P. Thiemann
10 Genoa G. Rosolini
11 INRIA D. Remy ´
12 Lausanne M. Odersky
13 Loria J.-Y. Marion
14 Minho J. Saraiva
1 Munich M. Hofmann
15 Nottingham G. Hutton
16 Oxford S. Abramsky
17 Paris P.-L. Curien
18 Pisa G. Ghelli
19 QMUL P. O’Hearn
20 Tallinn T. Uustalu
Each annual general meeting will comprise a business meeting of the steering committee where scientific
progress will be assessed, necessary changes in direction will be proposed and adopted, and other issues
of major importance will be discussed. The scientific part of the business meeting will be open to all
Additionally, extraordinary meetings of the steering committee will be held in order to resolve possible
conflicts arising during the project which require urgent attention. Unless required otherwise by the nature
of the problem such meetings will be held in the form of email or telephone conference. Absent or unavailable members may be replaced by another member. Meetings of the steering committee will be convened
by the coordinator. When no unanimous decision can be reached the coordinator will hold a majority vote.
Decisions made at such meetings will be binding for all partners.
Subsites. Some teams include researchers from associated subsites with strong links to the researchers at
the main site in question.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Site Subsite Scientist in charge at subsite
Aarhus Aalborg B. Thomsen
Birmingham Sussex B. Reus
Minho Lisbon J. Caires
Nottingham Utrecht J. Jeuring
Nottingham Bonn R. Hinze
Nottingham Leicester N. Ghani
Copenhagen ITU L. Birkedal
Copenhagen DTU H. Nielson
QMUL Imperial A. Edalat
QMUL Bath D. Pym
The budget for those main sites which have an associated subsite includes funding for the travel, meeting,
and communication costs for the associated site, as well. These funds will be operated by the main site in
Industrial and associated sites The working group includes a number of industrial sites. The industrial
site leaders form the industrial advisory board which sends one representative to the steering committee.
Apart from contributing to the research in some cases (e.g. Microsoft Research at Cambridge), the role
of the industrial partners will be to follow research developments, to give feedback on the usefulness of the
solutions provided by the academic researchers, and to suggest new directions as well as concrete questions
arising in practice.
Site Site leader
Microsoft A. Gordon
Ericsson T. Arts
Carlstedt L. Augustsson
Prolog Development T. Lindner
One academic site in Switzerland (EPF Lausanne) will not hold any funds but otherwise participate as
ordinary site.
Coordination of research For each theme we have chosen a senior team member as coordinator who
will be in charge of monitoring and reporting progress.
Theme Coordinator
A D. Remy ´
B T. Coquand
C N. Jones
D U. Reddy
E F. Henglein
F P.L. Curien
G G. Winskel
H P. O’Hearn, P. Gardner
I A. Jung
Methods for ensuring good communication The following table summarises the involvement of individual sites with specific themes:
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Aarhus X X X X X
Birmingham X X X X
Cambridge X X X X X
Chalmers X X X X X
Copenhagen X X X X
Darmstadt X X
Edinburgh X X X X X X X
Freiburg X X X X
Genoa X X X X
Lausanne X
Loria X X X X X X X X X
Minho X X X X
Munich X X X X
Nottingham X X X X X X
Oxford X X
Paris X
Pisa X X X X X
Tallinn X X X X
Theme coordinators will encourage and support communication between sites about issues regarding
their theme.
World Wide Web The Working Group will have a web page with information about activities: meetings, publications, site descriptions, etc.
9.7 Description of themes
We describe the scientific objectives of each of the nine themes that structure the scientific work to be
carried out. While the actual scientific work will be funded by academic resources or dedicated research
grants the role of APPSEM-II is to
A. Program structuring: object-oriented programming, modules
Real-world software projects are hampered by the increasing complexity of the code involved, increasing
both the development and maintenance costs. Software Engineers typically employ some form of program
structuring as an attempt to tackle this problem. This is achieved by building large systems from other
smaller code components, which are parameterized, either explicitly or implicitly, so that they can be specialized or refined while being reused. To ensure safety, every unit must specify precisely its accessible
features and their properties through an interface. Then, units can be implemented and modified independently of one another while preserving their interfaces; they can also be safely assembled together by only
checking their interfaces.
However, this general approach still lacks powerful mechanisms for both building separate units by
combining several forms of parameterizations together (abstraction, subtyping, recursion, or object identity, which are only well-understood in isolation) and for assembling them together. Moreover, beyond
well-typedness, which has been the focus of most previous works, reasoning principles and mechanical
proofs and analyzes for object-oriented programs are still to be settled. Our aim is to tackle these shortcomings, and develop a better understanding of program structuring. We hope to bring together researchers
in various areas (modules, objects, types, analyzes), ultimately aiming to transfer our results to real-world
programming languages through our industrial partners. We have identified the following three main topics
for research.
Bringing modules and objects closer will be tackled by studying, in the first case, several extensions of
up-to-date modular and object-oriented systems: (1) polymorphic extensions of structures (2) Mixing mod20
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
ules (2) packagings, and (3) overloading. We then plan a comparative study of these resulting approaches,
with the aim of developing a unified framework.
Mechanical proofs and analyzes for object-oriented programs will include the verification and inference of unit’s interfaces. We shall also develop lightweight, core object calculi (containing e.g. assignments, block-structure, and object identity) into which we can compile higher-level object-oriented languages.
Reasoning principles for object-oriented languages will be developed. This includes adapting reasoning techniques, such as operational characterizations of behavioral equivalences, now well-understood
for functional calculi, to our core object calculi. In particular, we shall explore semantic methods using
recently-developed resource models. One important application is to use these principles to reason about
compilation and linking.
B. Proof assistants, functional programming, and dependent types
The unifying theme of this research strand is the Curry-Howard analogy between proofs and programs,
and its refinement due to Martin-Lof (Stockholm), Nordstr ¨ om, and Smith (Chalmers) revealing a close ¨
correspondence between key concepts in functional programming (constructors, evaluation to weak-head
normal form, program, . . . ) and key notions in proof theory (proof in introduction form, reduction to
introduction form, admissible rule, . . . ). This theme enables a number of applications to programming and
computer-aided threorem proving.
The work to be carried out within APPSEM-II under this theme is structured in six topics:
• Termination of functional programs and of proofs.
• Subtyping
• Record types
• Constructor subtyping
• Typing of object-oriented languages
• Polytypic programming
• Normalisation of terms with variables
• Continuation-passing style
• Dependent types in programming
C. Program analysis, generation, and configuration
APPSEM-I already gathered a substantial expertise in program analysis and transformation. The following topics include areas in which previous accomplishments will be further advanced under APPSEM-II,
plus several promising new directions that lie squarely within the area Program analysis, generation, and
• Aspect-oriented programming
• A calculus for meta-computations
• Compiling
• Continuations
• Efficient programs from proofs
• Normalisation by evaluation
• Partial evaluation and program generation
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• Programming the temporal dimension of computation
• Resource boundedness and non-interference
• Taxonomy and forestation within the world of programs
• Termination analysis
• Type specialisation
D. Specification and verification methods
An important application of programming language semantics is the development and validation of reasoning principles for programs. A close study of semantics suggests novel methods for specifying the
behaviour of software systems and components which in turn gives rise to new programming logics and
program verification methods. The following topics will be further investigated under APPSEM-II
• Reasoning principles based on the logic of Bunched Implications (Pym, O’Hearn)
• Hoare-style logics with implicit representations of store
• Reasoning about information hiding and data refinement
• Specification and verification using dependent types
• Modelling languages and model-checking algorithms for probabilistic systems
• abstraction of liveness properties in the temporal logic CTL
E. Types and type inference in programming
Types in programming languages have, over the last 40 years, become such an integral part of programming, that it is hard to isolate them from other aspects of programming and programming languages.
Types are a conceptual and technical substrate in programming languages with multiple facets: (Static)
type systems provide early detection, localization and prevention of errors, which nowadays is considered
a condition sine qua non in complex software system construction. They provide enforced abstraction
with explicit and well-defined interfaces that is key to disciplined and predictable composition and reuse
of system components. They enable reasoning — both informally and through automated tools — about
software at a higher level, using other models than bits and bytes. Also, because they not only capture how
software is constructed but also how it may be used, they provide the substrate for reasoning in a modular
fashion about systems in a manner where the intended or possible uses are taken into account.
Powerful type inference techniques have turned out to be an important technology that minimizes a
programmer’s burden for providing explicit type annotations in programs and provides useful, nontrivial
feedback to programmers about the programs they or others have written. Type-based program analysis
is also used increasingly in program analysis, since types are a natural vehicle for modular analysis of
programs with higher-order features. The use of languages with solid type systems can increase — or
rather provide — basic security guarantees on the Internet; e.g., the majority of reported security breaches
on the Internet could have been avoided if strongly typed programming languages had been used.
Type-related research will go on in several APPSEM themes, as well as outside APPSEM, notably in
collaboration with EU Working Group TYPES. In this theme we will focus on important aspects of core
issues regarding type systems and type inference in programming:
• How to design new type systems.
• How to increase the scope of type systems.
• How to increase the (logical) expressiveness of type systems and extend type inference.
Specifically we propose to pursue the following activities.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
• Semantics-based design of type systems
• Type and effect systems
• Parametricity and type inference
F. Games, sequentiality, and abstract machines
The semantic understanding of sequentiality has been considerably further developed during the period
of the APPSEM-I project. The main tools for this purpose were various notions of games, corresponding
abstract machines and also to some extent realizability models. During the APPSEM-II period, we intend to
further develop this research both on a foundational level and towards applications to program verification.
We plan to further this research in the following directions
• Positional games played on graphs to obtain finer-grained analysis of strategies
• Game semantics and continuations; relationships to Girard’s ludics
• Game-theoretic analysis of probabilistic computation
• Enlarging the scope of model-checking techniques via game semantics
G. Semantic methods for distributed computing
In this theme we will develop mathematical tools for the formalization and analysis of distributed computation. We plan to meet the challenge of the lack of a global mathematical setting for distributed computation through the development of a domain theory for concurrency which can handle the intricate structure
(e.g. of event structures and name generation) and equivalences (e.g. bisimulation) of dsitributed computation. By moving to new semantic frameworks we can accommodate the richer structure of distributed
computation, characterise its operations abstractly, and systematise operational semantics through the study
of rule formats for structured operational semantics. Our aim will be the development and investigation of
a process language with the following features: higher-order processes, static scoping, dynamic creation
of names. The design of the language will be based on that of existing languages but crucially guided by a
denotational model, the importance of which will be established by studying its relationship to operational
and logical semantics.
The models we develop are bound to suggest new type disciplines for distributed computation. Types
for distributed computation will almost certainly help in developing logics for distribution (cf. themes 4
and 5). (One type-based approach could proceed by extracting logics in the manner of logic for domains.)
The challenge of security in distributed computation has recently led to event-based techniques in the
verification of security protocols. The event-based proof techniques are rather low-level however, so we
will face the problems of how to support higher-level reasoning through appropriate equational theories,
logics and typing judgements to ensure security properties. (In particular, symbolic model checking approaches including minimization algorithms for bisimilarity in the presence of name generation will be
explored.) We will work to identify and prove the relations between analyses of security protocols based
on cryptography as a “black box” and those based on true cryptography and probability, connecting to
Topic 9.
H. Resource models and web data
This theme centres on techniques for managing resource both locally and across widely-distributed systems
such as the Web. We focus on three contrasting but related sections: spatial logics, implicit complexity,
and resource access and security policies all of which have emerged during APPSEM-I. We will further
pursue this work in the following directions:
• Fundamental theory behind spatial logics
• Theory and applications of pointer logic
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
• Creating query languages and programming languages for the Web
• Developing type checking, theorem proving and model checking technologies that can be used in
applications to both resource modelling and the Web
• Applications of spatial logic to distributed and mobile code
• Developing the resource-based approach to implicit computational complexity, and investigate its
connection to the account of resource allocation and deallocation provided by spatial logics
• Static estimation of the consumption of specific resources such as heap space, stack size, cache use,
system calls
• Static analysis of security policies
• Relationships with aspect-oriented programming
I. Continuous phenomena in Computer Science
The work in this topic is situated at the boundary between Computing and Physics. Traditionally, the former
deals with discrete structures, while physical systems are described with real and complex numbers. The
research will contribute to this interface by studying the problem of computing with exact real numbers
and probabilistic system evaluation.
Regarding the former, we will build on substantial insight that was gained during the lifetime of
APPSEM-I. This work has led to a number of semantic models which allow a closer analysis of the inherent
efficiency problems with exact real computation. In APPSEM-II, we will use this knowledge to define a refined model which allows for a controlled amount of intensional information being used during
computations. We thus hope to be able to provide substantial help for groups which attempt to integrate
exact computation into computer algebra packages. Links already exist with St Andrews to this end and
we intend to use this connection to also reach their industrial partners specialising in computer algebra.
Within probabilistic system modelling and evaluation we propose to provide a semantic foundation for
the work by Kwiatkowska and her group in Birmingham in probabilistic model checking. Their model
checker PRISM is being used to evaluate industrial designs and this will give us an opportunity to reach
out and transfer theoretical results to the market place.
10 Clustering
11 Other contractual conditions
Duration The project will last for three years.
Budget per participant We budget a total of ¤2700 (incl. 20% overheads) per individual participant to
cover attendance of annual general meetings, specialised workshops, and individual visits. The decision
between these possibilities is left to the participants and will be made on a case-by-case basis. One possible scenario is to attend two annual general meetings at a cost of ¤800 each, one specialised workshop
colocated with another event at ¤250 and ¤400 to partially cover a one week visit to another site. Funds
paid to members other than the coordinator are exclusively for travel, subsistence, and participation fees.
We budget for our industrial partners on the basis of two persons per partner and similar scenarios.
Number of participants per site The amounts requested for members are calculated according to their
number of participants with 7 being the maximum for any particular institution.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Advance payment in month 1 We plan an initial advance payment in month 1 to members corresponding
to ¤900 per person. Allocation of funds in years 2 and 3 will be based on the level of actual activity as
well as possible growth or shrinkage of the consortium or particular sites.
No advance payment will be made to industrial partners as these are managed as subsites of the coordinator who will reimburse actual expenditures.
Distribution of funds after month 12 The distribution of funds for years 2 and 3 will be decided by the
steering committee in months 11 and 17 for the following year. The committee may also decide to keep a
certain portion of the funds with the coordinator to fund activities of participants on an individual basis.
Breakdown of costs A detailed breakdown of yearly costs per site may be found in the table on page 26.
Please note that the figures for years 2 and 3 are subject to change according to decisions on re-allocation
to be made by the steering committee. Also note that the overhead charges of 20% are estimated at this
point. Any change in these overhead charges will not affect the amount of the initial payment in month 1.
Local expenses incurred by workshop organisers will be paid for through participation fees that are
included in the above individual amount. We envisage a ¤250 fee for annual general meetings and ¤100
for individual workshops. These cover location, registration staff, and light lunches.
We plan to invite 3 speakers to every annual general meeting at a cost of ¤1300 each resulting in a total
amount of ¤12000. This covers airfare at ¤425, 5 days hotel and subsistence at ¤900.
We budget another ¤12000 for the final summer school. This includes 4 invited lecturers at ¤6000 (airfare+accommodation at summer school site) and 10 student grants at ¤600.
We request ¤15000 plus overheads for coordination costs at LMU Munich. This includes ¤4816 to
employ a part-time worker for 8hrs/week. His/her tasks will include internet presence, accounting, and
correspondence. The remainder is composed of ¤4175 for a desktop computer and printer, ¤2500 for
web-, mail- and fileserver provision, ¤1780 for consumables.
We stress that all personnel cost is for administration and coordination; no research is being paid for
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Breakdown of yearly costs
Table 2
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A Consortium description
The consortium comprises a large majority of the leading researchers in the field within Europe both in
academia and in industry. During APPSEM-I and prior EU-funded activities such as CLICS there exist
a closely knit network of mutual relations manifesting themselves in exchange of postgraduate students,
joint research papers, joint projects, both national and EU-funded.
The partners fulfill equal roles within the working group within the themes of their expertise. The
working group’s purpose is to continue exchange of ideas between researchers working on different but
related fields, in particular practitioners and theoreticians, as well as to enable international collaboration
on particular specialised topics.
The success of the APPSEM-I working group has amply demonstrated the catalytic effectiveness of the
proposed structure.
Efforts will be made, especially during the first year, to include new members from associated states.
There exist presently contacts with Tarmo Uustalu from Cybernetic Institute at Tallinn, Estonia.
A.1 The coordinator
The project is coordinated by Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU), M ¨ unchen. His ¨
main research interests include principles of programming languages, especially complexity-theoretic aspects; type theory and mathematical logic; formal methods. He has been a reader in Informatics at the
University of Edinburgh from 1998-2001 and is a full professor for Theoretical Informatics at LMU since
September 2001. He has participated in the APPSEM and TYPES working groups and is currently site
leader for a EU-funded project (MRG) under the FET “global computation” initiative. He has organised
several conferences and workshops, e.g., CTCS’99 in Edinburgh; he has served on a number of programme
committees of international conferences such as LICS, FOSSACS, TLCA, TACS.
A.2 The partners
Each participating institution is described together with names of senior researchers and their themes of
expertise as described in Part B. For convenience we relist the themes here
A Program structuring: object-oriented programming, modules.
B Proof assistants, functional programming, and dependent types.
C Program analysis, generation, and configuration.
D Specification and verification methods.
E Types and type inference in programming.
F Games, sequentiality, and abstract machines.
G Semantic methods for distributed computing.
H Resource models and web data.
I Continuous phenomena in Computer Science.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Aarhus The involved researchers at Aarhus include those permanently employed at the department of
computer science together with appropriate expertise at BRICS. The senior researchers involved are:
• Olivier Danvy (site leader) (C, H)
• Ulrich Kohlenbach (B, C, H)
• Peter Mosses ©
• Mogens Nielsen (D, G)
• Michael Schwartzbach (A, E)
The researchers in Subsite Aalborg include a number of permanent staff at the Department of Computer
Science. The senior researches involved are:
• Bent Thomsen, site leader
• Lone Leth Thomsen
Lone and Bent were involved in APPSEM as industrial partners while working for ICL in the UK. They
joined the department of computing, Aalborg University, in April 2002. They both have a background in
formal foundations, concurrency theory, programming languages, distributed and mobile systems, agents
and industrial applications. Their current research interest are investigating what comes after established
technologies such as C/C++, VB, C#, Java, CORBA, XML, SOAP, the web and even emerging mobile
technologies like WAP. They believe that the next leap in computing will have strong formal foundations,
based on integration of programming language concepts, run-time systems, distributed computing, security,
mobility and web/WAP. Thus the work by the participants in APPSEM-II is of paramount importance
to understanding and establishing the foundations for the future mobile and global communication and
computation platform.
Aalborg is a subsite of Aarhus with strong collaboration ties, e.g. through BRICS.
BRICS (Basic Research in Computer Science) is funded by the Danish Research Foundation to investigate mathematical foundations of Computer Science, notably Algorithmics and Mathematical Logic,
alongside existing activities in Semantics of Computation. BRICS is also a PhD School.
The involved researchers have considerable expertise in the area of semantics and implementation of
programming languages, domain theory, concurrency, types, logic, proof theory, and web programming.
The group has, and can draw on, additional expertise in category theory, algorithmics, and quantum computing.
Aarhus expects to contribute to themes A, B, C, E, and H.
BRICS maintains natural links with IKU/Copenhagen (Neil Jones, Andrzej Filinski, and Julia Lawall:
partial evaluation, normalization by evaluation/type-directed partial evaluation, continuations), Chalmers/Goteborg
(Peter Dybjer, Thierry Coquand: normalization by evaluation), Muenchen (Helmut Schwichtenberg, normalization by evaluation, program synthesis), and Genoa (Eugenio Moggi, program generation).
Also, this spring, one of Ian Stark’s students at Edinburgh is visiting Olivier Danvy at BRICS under a
Marie Curie Fellowship.
Ulrich Kohlenbach has natural links with Munich (Martin Hofmann, Helmut Schwichtenberg: implicit
computational complexity, logic, proof theory).
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Birmingham The research team at Birmingham includes members from the Theory of Computation
Group as well as the Functional Programming Group. Senior team members are
• Achim Jung, site leader (I)
• Mart´ın Escardo (I) ´
• Marta Kwiatkowska (D, I)
• Uday Reddy (A, E, F)
• Eike Ritter (A, F)
• Mark Ryan (D)
• Hayo Thielecke (E).
The University of Sussex at Brighton will form a subsite with principal researchers:
• Bernhard Reus, site leader (A, D)
• Guy McCusker (F)
• Matthew Hennessy (G)
• Jim Laird (F)
• Julian Rathke (A, G, H)
• Vladimiro Sassone (E, G).
The researchers at Sussex comprise the “Foundations of Computation” research group at the School of
Cognitive and Computing Sciences. The common objective of this group is the development of semantic
theories and description languages for object-oriented, concurrent, and distributed systems. Topics investigated in Sussex include abstract foundational calculi for mobile systems in which the concepts of location,
mobility, failure and security play an central role (Hennessy,Rathke, Sassone), semantic approaches to control of interference in higher-order imperative languages (Laird, McCusker), and programming logics for
object oriented languages (Reus).
One strand of research is to build on previous work with Ghica, and work of Ong, which provides
an algorithmic understanding of game semantics, to produce program analysis methods for higher-order
imperative programs. We envisage collaboration with the group at Oxford (Abramsky, Ong, Murawksi). A
second strand takes inspiration from Curien and Herbelin’s study of semantics-inspired abstract machines
for the lambda-calculus. Our first aim is to develop such an abstract machine for an imperative language,
based on the games models. A second goal is to understand more deeply the laziness inherent in sequential
algorithms models, especially in the light of Laird’s recent work on sequentiality (unpublished works:
characterizing sequentiality in terms of stability, and understanding sequential algorithms via games). This
could lead to a semantics-based fully-lazy implementation of the lambda-calculus.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Cambridge The research team at Cambridge includes both members of the Computer Laboratory and of
the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
The senior team members are:
• Gavin Bierman, site leader (A, B, E, H )
• Marcelo Fiore (G)
• Martin Hyland (F)
• Robin Milner (B, G)
• Alan Mycroft (E, H)
• Andrew Pitts (A, B, E)
• Peter Sewell (D, E, G, H)
• Glynn Winskel (G)
There are also a number of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. The group expects to contribute
to themes A, B, D, E, F, G and H.
The Theory and Semantics Group at Cambridge has an established international reputation for its work
in theoretical areas of Computer Science, including considerable expertise in the area of programming
language semantics. It has strong links with those involved with work in logic and category theory in the
Department of Pure Mathematics, and also other more applied research groups in the Computer Laboratory,
including the Systems Research Group and the Programming Research roup. It also has strong ties with
the relevant members of the Microsoft Research Laboratory in Cambridge.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
• Peter Dybjer, site leader (C, D, E, I)
• Marcin Benke (E)
• Koen Claessen (D)
• Catarina Coquand (E)
• Thierry Coquand (D, I)
• Jorgen Gustavsson (D) ¨
• Rogardt Heldal (G)
• John Hughes (C, D, E)
• Patrik Jansson (E)
• Bengt Nordstrom (E) ¨
• Dave Sands (G)
• Jan Smith (E, I)
The Chalmers APPSEM team will contribute to the themes A, D, E and I. The APPSEM team at
Chalmers consists of members of three research groups:
The Functional Programming Group, the Programming Logic Group, and the ProSec Group (Programminglanguage based Security). The senior team members are: Marcin Benke, Koen Claessen, Catarina Coquand, Thierry Coquand, Peter Dybjer (site leader), Rogardt Heldal, Patrik Jansson, Jorgen Gustavsson, ¨
John Hughes, Bengt Nordstrom, Dave Sands, and Jan Smith. ¨
The Functional Programming Group has had a leading role in the design and implementation of functional programming languages for many years. Several group members participated in the design of the
standard lazy functional programming language Haskell and the Haskell compiler hbc. The group has also
developed the random test case generation tool QuickCheck. Other areas of interest include type systems,
partial evaluation and program transformation, abstract interpretation and type-based program analysis,
improvement theory, graphical user interfaces, and formal hardware design.
The Programming Logic Group has long-standing experience and expertise in the area of Intuitionistic
Type Theory and its application to programming and mechanization of proofs. The proof assistants ALF
and AGDA, with the user interface ALFA was developed by this group. Current interests include record
types for proof assistants, termination checking for proof assistants, automatic theorem proving, combining
testing and interactive program verification, and formal topology.
The ProSec group is working on the solution of computer security problems using programming language based methods, in particular semantics, static analysis and program transformation. Recent work
has focussed on the modelling and analysis of confidentiality properties of programs, and the elimination
of covert channels in code.
The Chalmers APPSEM team will contribute to the following themes: A, E, D and I.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Copenhagen Groups doing APPSEM-related research at Copenhagen are in three locations:
• DIKU (University of Copenhagen);
• IT-C (IT-University of Copenhagen, not part of the University of Copenhagen); and
• Denmark’s Technical University, DTU.
All the researchers at Copenhagen were involved, in one way or another, in Danish breakthroughs in the
1980s and 1990s in the field of program generation by partial evaluation. Their research activities have
broadened since then to new but related areas, some more theoretical and some more practical, and focussing on topics such as types in programming language implementation and theory (Henglein, Filinski,
Birkedal, Nielson, Nielson, Jones, Mogensen); applications of partial evaluation (Lawall); abstract interpretation (Nielson, Nielson, Jones, Mogensen); termination analysis (Jones, Nielson, Nielson); domain
theory (Birkedal); foundations of computation (Grue, Jones); and complexity in relation to programming
languages (Jones).
Senior researchers and interest areas include:
• Neil Jones, site leader (B, C, E, H)
• Andrzej Filinski (C, E)
• Klaus Grue (B)
• Fritz Henglein (C, E)
• Julia Lawall (A, C)
• Torben Mogensen (C, E)
Subsites: IT University of Copenhagen with key researcher
• Lars Birkedal (E, H)
Denmark’s Technical University with key researchers
• Flemming Nielson (C, E)
• Hanne Nielson (C, E)
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Darmstadt Key researchers
• Thomas Streicher, site leader (A, F, I)
• Klaus Keimel (I)
as well as two young temporary researchers
• Peter Lietz (I)
• Tobias Low (F) ¨
On the one hand classical domain theory and its application to computation on classical spaces is a
traditional reserch subject represented by K. Keimel who is cooperating with A. Jung and M. Escardo from ´
On the other hand T. Streicher has been working in the fields of semantics of constructive logics (in
particular type theories), realizability models (and its applications to sequentiality), exact real number
computation and more recently on semantics and logic of object calculi. Streicher is cooperating with
M. Escardo from Birmingham, J. Longley and A. Simpson from Edinburgh and B. Reus from Sussex. ´
Peter Lietz is working in the field of realizability models for constructive analysis and T. Low is inter- ¨
ested in sequentiality and universal models for linear and intuitionistic λ–calculi.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Edinburgh The research team at Edinburgh are associates of the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS. Senior team members are
• Ian Stark, site leader (A, G, H)
• David Aspinall (B, G, H)
• Stephen Gilmore (H)
• John Longley (F, I)
• Gordon Plotkin (G)
• John Power (H)
• Don Sannella (D, H)
• Alex Simpson (I)
• Mark Steedman (H)
• Daniele Turi (G)
There are also a number of PhD students and junior postdoctoral researchers. The group expect to
contribute to themes A, B, D, F, G, H, and I.
LFCS is an established research institute, which over the last 15 years has built a significant international reputation for fundamental investigations in theoretical computer science. Relevant expertise within
the laboratory includes type theory, concurrency, semantics, formal specification, and the applications of
category theory to computer science.
LFCS has strong European links, both current and historic, many relevant to the area of applied semantics. In particular, it is a member of the TYPES working group, and a site for the EU project Mobile
Resource Guarantees.
The laboratory is a part of the Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. This is the highest
rated (5*A) and largest department for computer science research in the UK.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Freiburg Key researchers
• Peter Thiemann, site leader (E)
• David Basin (B, D)
The Freiburg group consists of members of two research groups, Programming Languages (Thiemann)
and Software Engineering (Basin). Senior team members include Jan Smaus, Luca Vigano, and Burkhard Wolff. Research in the programming languages group focuses on program transformation, partial evaluation, and type systems. A central research direction is on programmable type systems, in particular geared towards applications in domain specific languages. Research in the software engineering group focuses on formal methods for specifying, verifying, and more generally developing safe and secure systems. This includes both foundational work in specification languages, theorem proving, and development methods, and research on applications to particular languages and paradigms. Altogether, the Freiburg site would contribute to themes B, C, D and E. 35 APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957 Genoa The key researchers in Genoa are all associated with DISI, and they are: • Giuseppe Rosolini, site leader (D) • Francesca Levi (C) • Eugenio Moggi (C) • Elena Zucca (A, C, E). There are also PhD students and a number of junior researchers. The group will contribute at least to themes A, C, D, and E. Research activities at DISI cover a selection of current areas in Computer Science. The most upto-date technologies and their applications are investigated in a variety of research activities. Projects range from student-based exploratory topics to works funded by the main public research institutions (such as the Ministry of Research, the National Research Council, the Italian Space Agency, and the National Institute for the Physics of Matter), to large-scale cooperative research activities funded by the European Community. A significant amount of research efforts is devoted to applied research activities in cooperation with the industrial world. The researchers involved in the project come all from the Programming Language group at DISI, whose current research topics include design and foundations of modular and object-oriented languages and systems, logic and category theory, Synthetic domain theory, foundations and calculi for meta-programming and staging, monadic metalanguages and computational effects. The group has developed strong links with many departments at other universities, including Cambridge, Edinburgh, ITU Copenhagen, Pisa, QMUL London. 36 APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957 INRIA The participation of INRIA comprises the Cristal group at Rocquencourt, the group around Gilles Barthe at Sophia Antipolis, and IRISA at Rennes. The senior participants would be • Didier Remy, site leader (A,E, H) ´ • Gilles Barthe (B) • Yves Bertot (B) • Joelle Despeyroux (B) ¨ • Pascal Fradet (A, C, E) • Marieke Huisman (A, D) • Thomas Jensen (A, C, E) • Xavier Leroy (A, B, E, H) • Michel Mauny (E, H) • Franc¸ois Pottier (A, E) • Pierre Weis (E) The Cristal group is developing the Caml programming environment, which includes the Ocaml language, but also advanced libraries and programming tools for the Ocaml language. A few examples of recent developments are CamlIDL (a stub code generator and COM binding), Bigarray (a module to manipulate large or disk-resident arrays) and Ocamldbm (an interface to databases). Some development around XML is also being started. The Cristal group has expertise in language design, compilation, module systems, types and type inference, program analysis, and security, The Lande group has expertise in program analysis, verification and transformation of programs, types and type inference. One of their focus is the application of these techniques to program structuring, and in particular, to aspect-oriented programming. They also intend to use program analysis techniques to the verification and inference of security interfaces for program modules. The Lemme-Miro group has expertise in type and proof systems, program verification and security. Their work particularly focuses on programming with dependent types within the Coq proof assistant (recent examples of large development include a compiler for a simple imperative language amd the JavaCard platform) and on the integration of leightweight proof techniques in programming languages (for example the use of extended static checking techniques in Java). The team is also active in designing novel type systems for programming languages, in particular for integrating higher-order abstract syntax in dependent type theory. Altogether, the INRIA site would contribute to themes A, B, C, D, E, and H. 37 APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957 Lausanne Key researchers • Martin Odersky, site leader (E) Note by coordinator: A detailed description of the Lausanne site will be delivered later. 38 APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957 Loria Loria is a CNRS and INRIA computer science laboratory located at Nancy which includes three universities with a PhD School. The involved participants are members of the team Calligramme, Miro, ´ Protheo and Types. The senior team members are • Jean-Yves Marion, site leader (H) • Olivier Bournez (D, I) • Didier Galmiche (A, D, G, H) • Isabelle Gnaedig (D, H) • Philippe de Groote (B) • Claude Kirchner (B, D) • Hel´ ene Kirchner (B, D)
• Fanois Lamarche (F, I)
• Luigi Liquori (A, B)
• Pierre-Etienne Moreau (C, D)
• Christophe Ringeissen (C, D)
The involved researchers of the four Loria teams have expertise in area of specification and verification, functional programming, and in particular in object oriented programming, compilation and program
semantics, and complexity.
The object of Calligramme team (P. de Groote, J-Y Marion, F. Lamarche) is the development of tools
and methods stemming from proof theory, and especially linear logic. In software engineering, the main
subject of interest are categories, functional programming and implicit computational complexity.
One of the goals of Miro team (L. Liquori) consists in investigating the possibility to “reconcile” object- ´
oriented programming and functional programming while keeping the spirit of the former and the elegance
of the latter. We study type theory, new systems improving formal proofs, efficient compilation and execution of object-oriented languages, and object-oriented operating systems. We are interested in certifying
the tools developed for these languages (interpreters, compilers, . . . ), using the Coq system as a favourite
proof assistant.
The Protheo team (O. Bournez, I. Gnaedig, C. Kirchner, H. Kirchner, P.-E. Moreau, C. Ringeissen)
has been strongly involved in the specification and verification methods since the last ten years. More
recently and in particular in the context of compilation technique for rule based languages, we also focus
our attention on program analysis. Recently we become also active in the extensions of type theory to
support the rewriting calculus for computation and deduction purposes.
The Types team (D. Galmiche) has expertise in constructive and substructural logics, from different
points of view : proof-theory, proof-search, semantics, systems specification and verification. In the context
of this project, we will focus on the study of resource logics and the design of new theorem proving methods
that provide proofs or countermodels in case of non-provability.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Minho The research team at Minho includes members from the Department of Computer Science as well
as the Department of Mathematics. The senior team members are:
• Joao Saraiva, site leader (B, C) ˜
• Jose Bernardo Barros (B , C) ´
• Lu´ıs Soares Barbosa (B , D)
• Maria Joao Frade ˜
• Jose Nuno Oliveira (B , C) ´
• Jorge Sousa Pinto (B, F)
• Lu´ıs Pinto (E , F)
The involved researchers expect to contribute to themes B, C, E, and F.
Minho maintains natural links with Oxford (Abramsky: computational interpretation of sequent calculus - one of Abramsky PhD student is Jose Espirito Santo, a member of Minho Department of Mathematics. ´
Oege: embedded domain specific languages and attribute grammars), INRIA (Barthe: constructor subtyping systems - one of Barthe PhD student is Maria Joao Frade, a member of our Department of Computer ˜
Science), and Nottingham (Backhouse: Oliveira is working on the application of the relational theory of
datatypes to finite mapping-based data structures subject to complex invariants.)
Lu´ıs Pinto, Jorge Sousa Pinto, and Jose Esp ´ ´ırito Santo have expertise in structural proof theory (e.g.
Herbelin’s sequent calculus) and in intensional approaches to the λ-calculus (e.g. geometry of interaction).
Motivated by Curien and Herbelin’s claims on“the relevance of sequent-calculus to the computational
study of the λ-calculus”, they are interested in pursuing the study of λ-calculi for the sequent calculus,
particularly as a way of modelling aspects of the implementation of functional languages (like sharing and
evaluation strategies), and as a basis for deriving abstract machines for the λ-calculus.
Barros, Oliveira and Saraiva intend to work on the analysis and transformation of functional programs
for program optimization (deforestation techniques), program understanding (forestation techniques) and
incremental evaluation, using both formal methods and attribute grammar-based techniques. Oliveira will
pursue his work on data-refinement by generic transformation and on reverse transformations intended for
program understanding and reverse-engineering.
Barbosa current research is oriented towards the use of coalgebraic methods in (reactive) program
construction. In this context, Minho intends to contribute to the development of semantical models and
calculi for coordination patterns and middleware.
Subsite: Lisbon
• Luis Caires (H)
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Munich Key researchers are
• Martin Hofmann, coordinator (A, H)
• Andreas Abel [B)
• Jan Johannsen (H)
• Ralph Matthes (E)
• Helmut Schwichtenberg (B, H)
• Martin Wirsing (D)
The research team at Munich includes members from both the mathematical institute and the computer science institute. The Munich group will contribute to themes A, D and H. Hofmann, Johannsen, Schwichtenberg intend to work on programming language characterisations of parallel complexity classes such as AC,
NC using methods from implicit computational complexity theory, in particular building on earlier results
from our group and from Marion (Loria).
Hofmann will further pursue his work on static memory management for functional and object-oriented
languages. This will be done in close cooperation with researchers from Edinburgh (Aspinall), QMUL
(O’Hearn), Loria (Marion).
Abel and Matthes will cooperate with Goteborg researchers an the topic of termination checking ¨
(Theme B).
Building on earlier work by S. Merz (Munich) Hofmann and Wirsing will commence work on abstraction of liveness properties in the temporal logic CTL built into the theorem prover PVS. We will
also investigate possible uses of PVS for object-oriented software verification with model checking thus
pursuing earlier work by Hofmann and Tang.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Nottingham The research team at Nottingham includes members of the Foundations of Programming
research group. It also includes Bonn, Leicester, and Utrecht as subsites. The members of the team have
expertise in functional programming, generic programming, program verification and construction, type
theory, and applications of logic and category theory.
Senior team members in Nottingham:
• Graham Hutton, site leader (B, D)
• Thorsten Altenkirch (A, B, D, E)
• Roland Backhouse (A, B, C, D)
• Louise Dennis (B, D)
Senior team members in Bonn:
• Ralf Hinze (B, E)
Senior team members in Leicester:
• Simon Ambler (B, D)
• Roy Crole (B, D)
• Neil Ghani (B, G)
Senior team members in Utrecht:
• Johan Jeuring (B,C,E)
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Oxford Three research teams at Oxford are involved, representing a broad span of interests, ranging from
abstract semantical theories to their application in concrete software artifacts:
• The Foundations Group
• The Algebra of Programming Group
• The Programming Tools Group
The senior researchers are
• Samson Abramsky, site leader (F, H)
• Alexandru Baltag (A)
• Richard Bird (A)
• Jeremy Gibbons (A)
• Oege de Moor (A)
• Andrzej Murawski (F)
• Luke Ong (F, H)
Postdocs that will participate in APPSEM-II include Corina Cirstea (A), Bob Coecke, Andrew Ker,
Keye Martin (I), and Ganesh Sittampalam.
The planned contributions are arranged by theme:
• Program structuring: object-oriented programming, modules: Combined algebraic and coalgebraic
approaches to object-oriented programming. (Cirstea) Coalgebraic logic, logics for multiple agents
and complex information updates, and connections with security. (Baltag)
• Proof assistants, functional programming, and dependent types: The implementation of annotationassisted type checkers for programming languages with dependent types. (De Moor)
Dependent type checkers often fail to spot equalities between type expressions that are obvious to
the applications programmer. It is therefore desirable that the programmer can give some hints to the
type-checking algorithm, in the form of equations that the type-checker may use. In collaboration
with Nottingham and Chalmers, Oxford will undertake the implementation of a variant of Haskell
for experimentation with such features, and we shall study its semantics. Furthermore, we plan to
investigate the application of such a language for designing embedded domain-specific languages.
• Program analysis, generation, and configuration: Formal proofs of program transformations (De
Moor). This continues ongoing joint work with Copenhagen on an executable specification language
for program transformations, where side conditions of transformations are formulated in temporal
Implementation techniques for staged programming languages, and the use of staging in numerical
computing. (De Moor) This work will be carried out in collaboration with Microsoft, Cambridge,
and Genoa.
• Games, sequentiality, and abstract machines: Algorithmic game semantics: we are looking at algorithmic formulations of game semantics as a basis for software model-checking and program analysis. (Abramsky, Ong, Murawski)
• Continuous phenomena in Computer Science: Abramsly, Coecke work on connections with quantum
computing and measurement theory.
• Resource models and web data: linear logical and game-based approaches will be further developed
by Murawski, Ong, Abramsky.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
• Pierre-Louis Curien, site leader (F)
• Vincent Danos (F)
• Olivier Laurent (F)
• Paul-Andre Melli ´ es (F). `
Note by coordinator: A detailed description of the Paris site will be delivered later.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Pisa The research team at Pisa includes members of the Database, Object Technology, Program Analysis
and Models and Languages for Open Distributed Systems groups. These groups have a strong research
records in the APPSEM fields of object-oriented programming, functional programming, program analysis,
specification and verification methods, type systems, semantic methods for distributed computing. The
senior team members are:
• Giorgio Ghelli, site leader (H)
• Giuseppe Attardi (C, H)
• Pierpaolo Degano (C, G)
• Giorgio Levi (C, E)
• Ugo Montanari (D, G)
The group has strong links with the groups in Cambridge, Genoa, INRIA-Rennes and Copenhagen.
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
QMUL Queen Mary, University of London.
The research group at Queen Mary has strengths in logic, program analysis and concurrency. In particular, the logic of bunched implications, which can be seen to underlie the ”spatial logics” part of the
Resource Models and Web Data theme, was developed at Queen Mary during APPSEM-I, and research on
reasoning about pointers using the logic is going forward at a rapid pace. Other lines going forward include
work on types for concurrency, categorical semantics, proof theory, and security.
The senior members at QMUL are
• Peter O’Hearn, site leader (A, C, D, H)
• Gianluigi Bellin (B, F)
• Kohei Honda (E, G)
• Pasquale Malacaria (E, F, G)
• Edmund Robinson (D, E, H)
Subsite Bath:
• David Pym (D, E, H)
• Carsten Fuhrmann (D, E, H) ¨
Subsite Imperial college:
• Abbas Edalat (I)
• Philippa Gardner (H)
APPSEM-II Technical Annex. Prepared April 28, 2003 Project No. IST-2001-38957
Tallinn, IoC The senior researchers of the IoC Tallinn team are
• Tarmo Uustalu, site leader (B, E)
• Peeter Laud (C, G)
• Varmo Vene (B, C)
The research areas of the group are type theory and type systems, categorical logic, functional programming, and semantics-based program analysis. Uustalu, partly jointly with Vene, has worked on inductive
and coinductive types in type theory and programming, type-based termination, generic programming,
coalgebras and monads in programming language semantics, CPS and monad transforms, representation
and manipulation of non-wellfounded syntax, syntax with variable binding. Vene and Laud have worked
on various program analyses (such as points-to analysis in object-orientation and data race analysis in multithreaded computation). Laud has particularly been specializing in computationally secure information
flow, for which work he recently won the EAPLS best paper award for papers presented at ETAPS 2003.
The team has strong links to LMU Muenchen (Ralph Matthes), Minho (Luis Pinto and colleagues), INRIA
Sophia (Gilles Barthe), Leicester (Neil Ghani), Nottingham (Thorsten Altenkirch).
Martin Hofmann